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Blaire Corbett

Hi! I’m Blaire, a multidisciplinary graphic designer passionate about motion graphics, illustration, and research-driven work. Design has the power to unite communities and make the world a kinder, better place for everyone, so why shouldn’t it? Let’s connect and create strange new worlds together.

Think Inside the Box

Exhibition Design, UX/UI, Print Design

AI is everywhere in the technology we use daily, but many families need help identifying and using it properly. This museum exhibition covers the fundamentals of AI literacy through interactive activities that illustrate how AI works and how to use it effectively.

Lonely Planet

Motion Design

This motion graphic empathetically discusses loneliness in Canada as a health crisis rather than an individual emotional issue. A stop-motion collage aesthetic emphasizes the subject matter’s raw nature. Cool, desaturated colours suggest an undercurrent of emotional desolation but shift to bright, vibrant colours to convey hope for the future.

Collective Good

Packaging Design

The Collective Good is a merger between beloved craft brewers Collective Arts and The Good Bar, a small handmade soap business. Packaging was designed for a joint beer and beer soap release, with a whimsically psychedelic can label and a more austere and earthy soap box.

SDC Rebrand

Motion Design

This motion graphic was created as part of a collaborative brand revitalization for the Social Development Centre, a crucial community organization in Kitchener. It incorporates the new branding and iconography to tell a story about the SDC’s history, values, and continued relevance.

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

We are deeply thankful we don’t have to ‘write’ a novel to say what we want – graphics are enough.