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Sonya Martin

Hey there! I’m Sonya, a multidisciplinary graphic designer and problem solver dedicated to positively impacting the world around me through my work. I love using colour and typography to create personable and fun designs that stand out among competitors.

Sunscreen tube and cardboard box packaging are displayed beside each other.
Poster advertising sunscreen and the mission statement of the brand.
Two lamp-post banners for the Kitchener public library.
Four phone screens displaying an app designed to help manage post-concussion syndrome.
One can design that features a skull design for the flavour grapefruit mint mojito.
A pizza truck, pizza box, two posters, and a sidewalk sign designed for an artisanal pizza restaurant called Ottimo.

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We are deeply thankful we don’t have to ‘write’ a novel to say what we want – graphics are enough.